조선시대 무등산 유람 연구

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광주, 무등산, 유람, 유람문화, 무등산유람
The word, “excursion” implicates the meaning of wandering and seeing. Regardless of the times, people want to experience new things breaking away from their routine, and excursion is a type of culture originated from this desire. The excursion which they get around the famous places to enjoy does not limit the particular space and time. Especially in our country, the excursion has been developed for a long time since we have lots of mountainous area and our living zone is adjacent to the nature.
Meanwhile, the excursion in Chosun dynasty became part of gentry’s lives. Gentry acknowledged the excursion itself as one of the study and training processes, and the excursion that had been prevailed rapidly since mid-Chosun dynasty was positioned as the representative culture of gentry in late-Chosun.
To meet this trend, many excursionists have been to Mudeungsan which was the authentic one in Gwangju. The excursionists who visited Mudeungsan could be classified as the neighbors and outsiders. The fact that lots of outsider excursionists visited Mudeungsan beside the people who lived in Honam region implicated this mountain was national famous attraction.
They utilized the different routes according to the entry roads of the trip. The entry roads for tracking of Mudeungsan mainly utilized were the route of Jeungsimsa Temple, the route of Whasoon, and the route of Damyang. Among these, the route of Damyang connects from Red Wall to Mudeungsan seemed to be used so frequently by the excursionists who enjoyed both places. In fact, both Mudeungsan and Red Wall are the representative attractions of Honam region where many excursionists took a trip for both places at the same time.
From the excursion of Mudeungsan like this, gentry were shown to perform a variety of activities. One of the typical activities was Poongryu (refined activities), which was confirmed with the interactions with the monks quite often. However, these two groups shared with the general excursion activities other than Mudeungsan. Together with this general activity, the excursion in Mudeungsan had some unique features mentioned the famous figures from this area to connect with this mountain. Mudeungsan area has been famous for the place of talents such as Kyung Myung Ko, Choong Shin Jung, and DukRyung Kim from a long time ago. The perceptions on the connection of them with Mudeungsan and the talent generations by the energy of this mountain were prevailed in Chosun dynasty. Ultimately, this was demonstrated by unique features only for Mudeungsan which was not seen in other excursion.
Alternative Title
A Study on Mudeungsan Excursion in Chosun Dynasty
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Jee Hee
조선대학교 교육대학원
교육대학원 역사교육
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
ABSTRACT -------------------------v
Ⅰ. 머리말 ---------------------------1
Ⅱ. 무등산과 무등산 유람 --------------3
1. 무등산에 대한 인식 --------------3
2. 무등산을 찾은 사람들 ------------11
3. 유람 경로와 적벽 유람 -----------18
Ⅲ. 유람 활동과 유산의 기억 -----------27
1. 풍류와 문기 함양 ----------------27
2. 사찰의 지원과 교유 --------------33
3. 유산의 기억과 회고 --------------41
Ⅳ. 맺음말 --------------------------47
[附錄] ------------------------------49
參考文獻 ----------------------------52
조선대학교 교육대학원
김지희. (2016). 조선시대 무등산 유람 연구.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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