중2 음악교과서의 국악작곡 영역연구

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Curriculum in music education is persistently being reviewed and revised to graft Korean traditional music and to interest student. Curriculum for middle school, through 7-times revisions, is strengthening Korean traditional music education and current textbooks which reflect it has been already published recently.
However, still further researches are under way at field about how Korean traditional music class should be appropriately allocated and operated with Western music, especially researches about appreciation of Korean traditional music have been progressed considerable portion, yet the same about creation field such as composition is quite few. In music education, we need to pay more attention in creation field like composition for the students to improve understanding ability and to induce them actively participating in music education, and to pave the way to be an excellent Korean traditional musician in future.
Therefore, the arrangement and theory input status of Korean traditional music compositions and western music compositions in current curriculum were analyzed especially centering on music textbook for middle school 2ndgrade and desir able improvement direction was sought. It has been examined with focus on whether issues from the 7th curriculum have been reflected on the7th revised music text books for middle school.
Even though importance of traditional music is more emphasized in current revision plan than previous versions, the weight of practical playing, music composition, and music appreciation is all the way less. On the basis of study, the class that contains field of student’s actual participation and learning such as instrumental music or creation need to be strengthened and further we need to get more experience in understanding and playing Korean traditional music as itself at entire national level not just listening and enjoying them.
For this purpose presented above, research was carried out with the procedure below. First of all, the revised contents in the 7th curriculum we relooked into at Korean traditional music and western music considering the weakness and strength. Comparison and analysis were performed with present music textbooks for 2nd grade middle school throughout different published textbooks to analyze whether those issues are sufficiently reflected in the current textbooks and through the above process, improvement direction of curriculum revision in future was proposed.
Alternative Title
Studies on the composition field of Korean classical music in the music textbooks of middle school 2nd grade
Alternative Author(s)
Pyun, Nan Yi
조선대학교 대학원
교육대학원 음악교육
박 계
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
목 차
I. 서론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
2. 연구 내용 및 방법  3
3. 연구 범위  4
II. 이론적 배경 6
1. 창작 학습의 중요성  6
2. 창작 지도의 주의점 7
3. 음악과 교육과정의 내용  7
III. 개정 전․후 음악과 교육과정 내용 체계 비교 13
1. 개정 전․후 내용 체계의 차이점   13
2. 개정 전․후 국악 영역 분포도   15
IV. 중2 음악 교과서의 국악작곡 분석   21
1. 제7차 교과서의 국악작곡 분석   21
2. 개정 교과서의 국악작곡 분석   24
V. 결론   46
참고문헌  48
조선대학교 대학원
편란이. (2011). 중2 음악교과서의 국악작곡 영역연구.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2012-02-02
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