중학교 다문화 음악교육 지도방안 연구

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The other characteristic of 21th century, named globalization & information age, is multiculturalism. These days, communication channels among nations, groups and individuals are more various and complicated than those in any period. Accelerating acculturation and harmonic phenomenon, they are changing social structure of nation-states and world. If globalization of modern imperial age after 16th century is considered as an other-directed tendency by a national power, recent globalization tends to be a strong voluntary tendency by individual needs. The reality is that the institutionalized communication utilizing Internet and mobile devices promote the transformation to global multicultural society actively and enthusiastically. In this situation, music has a characteristic to access thoughts and behavior patterns of all the peoples easily and closely. Therefore, by directly experiencing and sympathizing music, education that students can understand other cultures, acknowledge different opinions, recognize and accept their responsibility as a member of multicultural society, will be needed.
This study is aimed at presenting a alternative of musical education for children in multicultural families excluded from educational, social and politic supports in Korean society, so it is examined for Asian music contained in music textbooks for 7th grade on 2007 edition. With this in mind, this study is presented to the necessity of multicultralism and multicultural education and is examined for purpose and necessity of multicultural musical education.
The finding is that changed contents for each grade are more specific than those in 7th curriculum. Especially, they concretely present music that should be learned for each grade to reflect various music in cultural areas and refer to contents related with other arts to emphasize on various roles and effects of music. However, certain countries' folk songs are so many filled in textbooks or the rate that they are considered as a forbidden song is low.
Therefore, broadly to reflect multiculturalism on music as a curriculum, we will need various learning contents and systematic approaches.
Alternative Title
Teaching Methods of Multiculturalism in Middle School Music Classes
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Na Rae
조선대학교 교육대학원
교육대학원 음악교육
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents

Ⅰ. 서론

1. 연구목적
2. 연구방법
3. 연구의 범위

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
1. 다문화주의
2. 다문화 음악교육
3. 교육과정에서의 다문화주의

Ⅲ. 개정 중1 음악교과서의 다문화 내용 분석
1. 교과서에 수록된 다문화 음악 분류
2. 활동·이해·생활화 영역의 내용 분석

Ⅳ. 개정 중1 음악교과서의 다문화음악 지도방안
1. 아시아 민요 지도방안의 네 가지 학습모형
1) 통합학습 모형
2) 맥락학습 모형
3) 조사학습 모형
4) 정의적 학습모형

2. 다문화 음악교육을 적용한 음악수업 지도안
1) 일본
2) 중국
3) 인도네시아

Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언

김나래. (2011). 중학교 다문화 음악교육 지도방안 연구.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2011-08-12
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