특수교육보조원 운용에 대한 특수교사와 특수교육보조원의 인식비교

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As special classes have been quantitatively expanded and the students with disabilities are arranged both to normal and special classes, the special education paraprofessional system was introduced and has been managed to assure learning right and support personal needs of falling and repeating students with disabilities.
Therefore, this study compares the differences in perception on qualification and roles, education and arrangement, use and management of the paraprofessionals between special education teachers and paraprofessionals at the schools where the special education paraprofessional system is implemented, and develops more successful special education paraprofessional system. For the purpose, it interviews 78 special education teachers and 60 paraprofessionals from 58 schools which have paid special education paraprofessionals in Gwangju. The objectives of the study to be achieved are presented as follows: First, what is any difference in perception on qualification and roles of paraprofessionals between special education teachers and paraprofessionals? Second, what is any difference in perception on education and arrangement of paraprofessionals between special education teachers and paraprofessionals? Third, what is any difference in perception on use and management of paraprofessionals between special education teachers and paraprofessionals?
Th results of the study are presented as follows:
First, the paraprofessionals should finish colleges or graduate from universities, majoring in social welfare and child education, and to definitely identify the difference in roles of special education teachers and paraprofessionals, the title of 'special education paraprofessionals' are appropriate. The subjects answer that the paraprofessionals should be familiar with instruction against troubled behaviors and have service mind rather than knowledge and techniques, and to support the students with disabilities, personal desires and class assistance are important. Many of them answer that they have no conflicts in respect to role limit, but special education teachers focus on moving and safety of students with disabilities, teaching and learning activities while paraprofessionals focus on management and support of troubled behaviors. It indicates that the paraprofessionals consider troubled behaviors of the students as serious. When there are problems in working, paraprofessionals consult with special education teachers in charge or paraprofessionals, and the teachers direct daily duties to paraprofessionals one by one and the latter follow the duty table prepared by the teachers.
Second, in respect to education and arrangement, city and provincial education offices provide training to teachers. For the employment types of paraprofessionals, the teachers consider temporary employment as appropriate while the paraprofessionals prefer regular job and consider one-year period is appropriate according to usual school education systems. They consider adjustment techniques, prevention against troubled behaviors and intermediation strategies as the most important, and perceive the importance of how to instruct taking seats and attitude. They answer 60 hours are appropriate for basic job training, but intensive programs of 30 hours should be given to the teachers rather than paraprofessionals. Job training is somewhat helpful and paraprofessional system is very effective to prevent against leaving their seats of the students with disabilities in field trips or incorporated education.
Third, the paraprofessionals want to have the same working schedule as the teachers, the teachers give directions of daily duties to paraprofessionals one by one, and the paraprofessionals record what they do. As the education offices decide the number limit of each school, their selection, arrangement and management are appropriate. The paraprofessional system is very effective for management and field trip. The paraprofessionals consider individualized class assistance as effective, the school management should decide responsibility limit to roles of the para-professionals, the teachers in charge should evaluate them. Special classrooms are appropriate for arrangement of paraprofessionals and the paraprofessionals should accept the opinions of the teachers. When there is a conflict in opinions between them, they should have attitude to cooperate each other. The paraprofessionals recognize needs, necessity and values of the students with disabilities, respect individual differences. Some of them answer that they develop no activity plan in each support area or others answered that they develop it more than 3 times a week.
In conclusion, this study suggests that national standards on duty and roles of special education paraprofessional system should be presented, and the programs to actively use and manage them through job training should be developed.
Alternative Author(s)
kim Hyun Jung
교육대학원 특수교육
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Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
2. 연구문제 3
3. 용어의 정의 3
4. 연구의 제한점 5

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 6
1. 특수교육보조원 제도의 의의와 배경 6
2. 특수교육보조원 제도의 운용 실태 8
3. 관련 선행연구 고찰 26

Ⅲ. 연구방법 32
1. 연구설계 32
2. 연구대상 32
3. 연구도구 33
4. 연구절차 35
5. 자료분석 36

Ⅳ. 연구결과 37
1. 특수교육보조원의 자격 및 역할 37
2. 특수교육보조원의 교육 및 배치 방법 46
3. 특수교육보조원의 활용 및 관리 54
4. 특수교육보조원 운용에 대한 기타의견 62

Ⅴ. 논의 65
1. 특수교육보조원의 자격 및 역할 65
2. 특수교육보조원의 교육 및 배치 69
3. 특수교육보조원의 활용 및 관리 72

Ⅵ 결론 및 제언 77
1. 결론 77
2. 제언 79

참고문헌 81

부 록 84
조선대학교 교육대학원
김현정. (2007). 특수교육보조원 운용에 대한 특수교사와 특수교육보조원의 인식비교.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2008-02-19
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