광주지역 일부 중학생의 식행동과 영양소 섭취 실태에 관한 조사 연구

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The purpose of this study was to examine differences between male and female students in the types of frequently enjoyed food between meals, dietary life, nutrition knowledge, body measurements, obesity and daily intake of nutrients. For this purpose, we surveyed 134 male students and 145 female students who were in their 2nd year at a middle school in Gwangju. The types of frequently enjoyed food between meals in male students were snack (48.5%), pizza (34.3%), fried chicken (29.9%), toast (26.1%) and chocolate products (23.9%), and those in female students were snack (70.3%), chocolate products (44.1%), biscuit (40.7%), toast (22.1%) and fried chicken (16.6%). The score of dietary life was significantly higher in male students (22.0±3.3) than in female ones (21.1±3.4) (p<0.05), and the score of nutrition knowledge was also significantly higher in male students (18.6±1.1) than in female ones (18.3±1.4) (p<0.05). Male students’ height and weight (164.3±7.9cm and 56.1±11.3kg, respectively) were significantly taller and heavier than female ones’ (158.0±5.2cm and 48.7±7.9kg, respectively) (p<0.001). BMI was significantly higher in male students (20.7±3.3kg/m2) than in female ones (19.5±2.7kg/m2) (p<0.01). As to obesity based on body fat volume, the percentage of those of slim body type was significantly larger in female students (58.3%) than in male ones (46.6%) (p<0.01). Daily energy intake was significantly higher in male students (2398.5±341.0kcal) than in female ones (1851.1±224.0kcal) (p<0.001), and compared to the estimated daily requirement of energy, male students took 100% and female ones took 92.6%. Nutrients taken less than 75% of the recommended intake were calcium (67.4%) in male students, and calcium (54.3%), vitamin C (71.0%) and folic acid (60.0%) in female ones. The ratio of carbohydrate : protein : lipid was 58.8 : 14.8 : 26.4 in male students, and 60.7 : 14.8 : 24.6 in female ones. MAR was significantly higher in male students (0.9±0.1) than in female ones (0.8±0.1) (p<0.001), and nutrients with INQ of over 1.0 were protein, iron, zinc, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavine and niacin in both male and female students. As a whole, male students showed better nutrition intake, nutrition knowledge, and dietary life attitude than female ones. Therefore, it is considered necessary to develop nutrition education programs for enhancing students’ nutrition knowledge level and particularly for female students because their nutrition knowledge may affect the dietary life not only of themselves but also of their future family.
Alternative Author(s)
교육대학원 영양교육
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제 1 장 서 론 1

제 2 장 연구내용 및 방법 3
제 1 절 대상 및 조사기간 3
제 2 절 내용 및 방법 3
1. 식생활 조사 3
2. 신체계측 4
3. 식이섭취량 조사 4
4. 자료 분석 및 통계처리 4

제 3 장 결과 및 고찰 8
제 1 절 조사대상자의 성별 일반적 특성 8
제 2 절 식습관 11
1. 식생활양식 11
2. 즐겨먹는 간식의 종류 16
제 3 절 조사대상자의 영양표시에 대한 인식도 18
제 4 절 조사대상자의 식행동 21
제 5 절 조사대상자의 영양지식 수준 비교 24
제 6 절 조사대상자의 신체계측치와 비만도 27
1. 신체계측치 27
2. 비만도 31
제 7 절 조사대상자의 영양소 섭취 실태 33
1. 일일 영양소 섭취량 33
2. 에너지원 영양소의 섭취 비율 42
3. 식품 급원별 영양소 섭취 비율 44
4. 영양소 적정 섭취 비율과 평균 영양소 적정도 46
5. 영양밀도지수 48

제 4 장 요약 및 결론 50

참 고 문 헌 53

설 문 지 58
조선대학교 교육대학원
박복천. (2007). 광주지역 일부 중학생의 식행동과 영양소 섭취 실태에 관한 조사 연구.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2008-02-19
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