高等學校 日本語 敎科書의 敬語表現 硏究 - 人間關係 및 狀況分析을 中心으로

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This thesis analyses expressions of terms of respect in the twelve high school Japanese textbooks required by the current (7th) curriculum.
The expressions of the terms of respect are analyzed in how they are used through the relationship in dialogues and if they reflect the proper terms of respect. Furthermore, in aspects of communication, the editing of the textbook is analyzed to see if it is well organized for the students to better learn the terms of respect.
In the chapters which have dialogues are chosen, the terms of respects are divided into forms and checked to see the number of times the proper terms of respect are used according to the relationship.
Also the reasons why certain expressions of respect are used instead of others is analyzed according to the various kinds of relationships and situations.
In the textbook the expressions of respect are properly used for speech between young and old, doctor to patient, and clerk to customer. However the same expressions of respect are used between equals, such as classmates and friends. It is possible for students to become confused by this.
The reason this happens is because the texts are edited only according to conservative and theoretical principles and ignore the practical and common usage of terms of respect. So a change in the choice of the usage of terms of respect is required and editors should try to equally use both the theoretical and the practical usage.
The textbooks should try to give more examples of expressions of respect from the old to the young, and more situations, like the riding public transportation and the visitation of public institutions should be used. The dialogue situations are currently limited to situations like introductions, congratulations of a birth, household phrases, phone calls, saying good-byes, and writing letters. These situations must be expanded to include situations like visiting the sick, apologies, and dialogues between teachers and students. If this is done, the students will have various kinds of useful dialogues.
In this thesis, the study on the expressions of respect is in the category of dialogue. So this study can be very limited. The study of the forms of respect is limited to the frequency the dialogues occur in the text. It is expected the study will continue to research the various aspects of the usage of terms of respect as changes occur in textbooks.
Alternative Title
A Study on Honorific Expressions in High School Japanese Text - Centering on the Analysis of Relationships and Situations
Alternative Author(s)
Kang, Do-kang
朝鮮大學校 敎育大學院
교육대학원 일어교육
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
表目次 = ⅱ
第 1 章 序論 = 1
1.1 硏究動機 및 目的 = 1
1.2 硏究方法 및 範圍 = 3
第 2 章 先行硏究 및 理論的 背景 = 7
2.1 敎科書 分析의 先行硏究 = 7
2.2 敬語의 分類 = 9
2.3 敬語의 指導法 = 12
第 3 章 本 硏究의 敬語表現 分析 = 14
3.1 敬語表現의 分析基準 = 14
3.2 敎科書別 分析 = 15
3.3 12種 敎科書에 나타난 敬語表現의 頻度數 및 分析 = 47
第 4 章 結論 = 50
4.1 人間關係와 狀況分析의 結果 = 50
4.2 본 硏究의 示唆點과 今後의 課題 = 51
參考文獻 = 53
朝鮮大學校 敎育大學院
姜度江. (2004). 高等學校 日本語 敎科書의 敬語表現 硏究 - 人間關係 및 狀況分析을 中心으로.
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Education > 3. Theses(Master)
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