한국인과 원어민 영어교사의 말하기 평가에 대한 행동과 인식

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평가, 인식, 말하기

Korean and Native English-speaking Teachers󰡑
Rating Behaviors and Their Perceptions about English Speaking Tests

Il Jee Lee Advisor: Kyung Ja Kim, Ph.D. Department of English Education Graduate School of Chosun University

This study investigated Korean English teachers (KT) and native English-speaking teachers󰡑(NT) rating behaviors and their perceptions about English speaking tests. The study also explored Korean EFL college students󰡑perceptions about the differences in rating behavior of speaking tests between NTs and KTs. Twenty one teachers (12 NTs and 9 KTs) completed a questionnaire containing 22 items about their perceptions and 110 students (50 boys and 60 girls) filled out a questionnaire containing 21 items about their perceptions. Data collected from the questionnaires were analyzed by descriptive statistics (frequency, mean and standard deviation), factor analysis, reliability tests and t-tests. In order to measure teachers󰡑rating behaviors, both NT (n = 5) and KT (n = 5) groups rated six college students󰡑speaking test in terms of pronunciation, grammar, coherence and completion. Furthermore, the teachers checked and/or corrected students󰡑errors to examine scoring consistency between holistic/analytic scores and the number of marked/corrected errors. The factor analysis on teachers󰡑perceptions about English speaking tests yielded five underlying constructs: teachers󰡑efforts to improve their English speaking ability, difficulties of teaching English speaking, importance of teaching English speaking, teachers󰡑perceptions about students󰡑difficulties in English speaking and teachers󰡑perceptions about student beliefs in learning English speaking. There were statistically significant mean differences between NTs and KTs in teachers󰡑efforts to improve their English speaking ability and difficulties of teaching English speaking. That is, KTs󰡑mean scores on teachers󰡑efforts to improve their English speaking ability and difficulties of teaching English speaking were significantly higher than NTs. Also, the results of students󰡑perceptions about learning English speaking and English speaking tests were categorized in three underlying factors: attitudes toward learning English speaking, perceptions about English speaking tests and perceptions about English speaking test criteria. The students showed similar means across three factors; the three factor scores ranged between 3.41 and 3.46. The results of teachers󰡑rating behaviors showed that there were no significant differences in holistic and analytic scores between NTs and KTs. In other words, NTs marked higher scores in coherence than KTs but the differences were not significant. In contrast, the scores in pronunciation, grammar and completion rated by KTs were higher than NTs but the t-tests showed insignificant mean differences. Between NTs and KTs, however, there were significant differences in error checks such as pronunciation and grammar. NTs found more errors in pronunciation and grammar than KTs. Accordingly, NTs were stricter in scoring students󰡑speaking tests than KTs. Based on the findings, pedagogical implications with regard to teaching English speaking and evaluation of speaking tests are suggested.
Alternative Title
Korean and Native English-speaking Teachers' Rating Behaviors and Their Perceptions about English Speaking Tests
Alternative Author(s)
Il Jee Lee
일반대학원 영어교육
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
목 차

초록 ⅸ
1. 서론 1
1.1 연구의 필요성과 목적 1
1.2 연구문제 3

2. 이론적 배경 4
2.1 영어 원어민과 비원어민 교사 4
2.2 말하기 능력 6
2.3 말하기 평가 9
2.3.1 말하기 평가 유형 12
2.3.2 유창성과 정확성 13
2.4 말하기 평가의 채점 15
2.4.1 총체적 채점 15
2.4.2 분석적 채점 17
2.5 말하기 오류 17
2.6 토익 스피킹 시험 18
2.6.1 토익 스피킹 시험의 구성 18
2.6.2 토익 스피킹 평가 지침 20
2.7 영어 원어민과 한국인 영어교사의 평가 행동 차이 21
2.7.1 영어 원어민과 한국인 영어교사의 말하기 지도 및 평가에
대한 인식 22
2.7.2 영어 원어민과 한국인 영어교사의 말하기 평가 행동 23
2.7.3 영어 원어민과 한국인 영어교사의 오류 표시 24

3. 연구 방법 26
3.1 교사 참여자 26
3.1.1 영어 원어민 교사 26
3.1.2 한국인 영어교사 27
3.2 학생 참여자 28
3.3 연구 도구 및 절차 30
3.4 자료 분석 방법 32

4. 연구 결과 및 논의 33
4.1 영어교사들의 영어 말하기 지도에 대한 인식 33
4.2 한국 대학생들의 영어 말하기 학습과 평가에 대한 인식 42
4.3 영어 원어민과 한국인 영어교사의 말하기 평가 행동 46
4.4 영어 원어민과 한국인 영어교사의 말하기 오류 표시 57

5. 결론 74
5.1 연구 요약 74
5.2 교육적 함의 76
5.3 연구의 제한점 78
5.4 후속 연구 제언 78

참고문헌 80
부록 87
이일지. (2016). 한국인과 원어민 영어교사의 말하기 평가에 대한 행동과 인식.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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